We started our activity in the 1970s with few resources and a lot of good will to invent something that could support us to realize our ideas.

We started our business in a stable used as a barn, to produce skirtings and profiles for fastenings, doing our best to exalt craft made talent and quality in the production of wood.

Soon after we started to look for something that would create art from wood; with this target in mind, we developed the first picture frames, making experience and creating  the right basic techniques in order to face the demands at the market through commercialization by using the brand, F.lli Vivan, for fine arts frames. In the 1980, this initiative enabled us to move to a proper industrial built premises of 1100 sqm from where our industrial marketing took off, making it possible to increase production and maintaining care to details which have always distinguished us.

As time passed by, we managed to make and introduce our frames all over Italy and in many countries abroad. This gave us the necessary economic possibility to expand and to create at storehouse adjacent to our company.

In 2000, our company evolved into a fully equipped business with up to dated machinery, building its strength on the family founders experience and warkers skills, by then, masters in frame production techniques. Paying always attention to the surrounding environment, we purchase only certified’ wood deriving from reafforsted, controlled and protected forests.

Lately our company has installed a photovoltaic implant with auto energy alimentation wich furthermove sustains our environment friendly policy. Recently we have decided to enrich our company with innovative projects with the purpose to create something to distinguish ourselves among the different sectors, over stacked by now, with already long known goods. For this reason we have created the brand VIVAN, an internal branch of our historical activity.

Today our company is run by the second generation, appreciated by the world market for our artistic skill to create picture frames – and at the same time – refined products, able to adapt to a world economy that is constantly changing and always on the move.



  • Large warehouse enabling us to send our products world wide in a very short time.
  • 100% Made in Italy.
  • Manual working art.
  • All our products are made and quality controlled during all processing phases on site.
  • All our frames are ready made thanks to our updated machinary and high technology.
  • First quality raw material.
  • Environmental friendly. Zero impact!
  • All wood processing waste are reuse to heat our company during the winter.
  • Our photovoltaic sistem almost support the entire energy requirements.

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